
calling the inaction "disappointing and disgusting."

NJ Governor Christie blames Boehner for stall in Sandy relief

(Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Wednesday blamed U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, a fellow Republican, for delaying a vote on federal disaster aid for Superstorm Sandy, calling the inaction "disappointing and disgusting."

"There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent (storm) victims - the House majority, and their speaker, John Boehner," he told a news conference in Trenton, New Jersey.

Christie said that he was doubtful lawmakers would vote on the $60.4 billion relief package before the new session begins on Thursday.

Boehner has told the lawmakers he will make a Sandy relief bill his first priority in the new Congress, which will be sworn in on Thursday, an aide to Boehner said. (Reporting By Hilary Russ; Editing by Sandra Maler)

