

"Press release" kylin beer, beer "Ichiban" stout update
kylin beer (general manager Isaki Gong code), on sale since 2007, praised dark beer "Ichiban stout", inside the package to update, February 6th countrywide sale.Selling varieties, 350 ml 334 ml cans, small, food 7 15 L L barrels, barrels.

2013 "Ichiban" brand, "beer joy and happiness is being expanded" as the theme, often trendy brand expansion target indication.Update, and the new law proposal to drink, and contact with customers to enlarge.

"Ichiban stout", center unique traditional strengths of mellow and, modern beer taste requirements drink easy, "malt 100% use" Ichiban "preparation", the realization of a rich rich and mellow taste special dark beer.The use of yeast, since the bottom fermentation yeast from yeast fermentation, in the strong fragrance, improve, roasted malt and caramel malt with adjustment of the thing, easy to drink even in formal sense black beer finished.Dark malt the subtle sweetness and flavor, "Ichiban preparation" unique soft texture, with elegant fragrance, full-bodied, enjoy the luxury of big black beer.

packaging, beer and advanced and quality feel attractive to buyers of fashion design.

in addition, update the sale closed food stores and supermarkets, such as hypermarkets, "hot center" (* 1), the winter's new fun "spread out a topic to change career.Since January 2013, food menu suggestions to strengthen, in discount stores, however, "Ichiban" such as stout goods and special heat-resistant glass, beer factory limited as a present popular products "Ichiban beer jelly chocolate" meal, family can easily enjoy "Ichiban chocolate and enjoy it!At home in the center of heat packages "(* 2) and in February 6th began selling.

(* 1) using microwave heating "Ichiban stout" just so far did not enjoy the delicious beer.

(* 2) an appointment.

advertising, advertising on television and the Internet Magazine, such as the center, Jitsuzuki Ichiro and Aoi Yusan on stage, I "hot center" as the theme of the dark beer enjoy extensive pursuit method.

the company's "Ichiban stout" in 2007 sale, summer froze to Center collapse "frost center", "center of autumn and winter heat", according to the season and the scene with enjoy a variety of recommended.The autumn of 2012, the new taste of beer by topic "Ichiban frost < life >, black beer also started things, 2012 sales over the previous year about 2 into the smooth passage of such a.This update, compared with beer taste and enjoy the method widely appeal within the context of the sense of presence to rise, more customers beer new charm, I realized that the market activity and total demand to expand contribution.

kylin group, "delicious smile" group slogan, always guests near, various "ligament" breed, "food and health" to the delight of the proposal.

the "Ichiban" have stout commodity summary

1 name of commodity

"Ichiban" stout "

2 release date

February 6, 2013 (water)

3 distribution area

the country

4 varieties

350 ml cans, small (334 ml), 7 L 15 L barrels, barrels

5 price

open price

6 the concept of commodity

malt 100%× a pressing method of production, big black beer.

Update 7 focus


center unique traditional strengths of mellow and, modern beer taste requirements drink easy, "malt 100% use" Ichiban "preparation", the realization of a rich rich and mellow taste special dark beer.The use of yeast has the bottom fermentation yeast from yeast fermentation, in the strong fragrance, improve, roasted malt and caramel malt with adjustment of the thing, easy to drink even in formal sense black beer finished.


beer as a senior and quality feel fashion design.

8 alcohol degree



malt beer raw materials, flowers

10 advertising spread
television such as the center, Jitsuzuki Ichiro and Aoi Yusan on stage, I "hot center" as the theme of the dark beer enjoy method demands

sales in the 11 predetermined number

approximately 400000 boxes (large bottle of conversion, 2013) * 5 kilolitres,

12 manufacturing plants

kylin beer Shiga factory

the mellow chocolate and enjoy it!Related articles:

