
eastern Africa inland country rural life in Uganda corn broker

[information for future part third (4)] poor power mobile phone.
before the press Uganda phone is amazing clearly hear.Kyoto University Africa Regional Research Information Center researchers, door Bi (green), (30) side, eastern Africa inland country rural life in Uganda corn broker, Ma, have sir (25) telephone, even if nothing is also called."Field work acquaintance, however, had no money, buzz called puppy cut too much.Recent price, from the opposite side to the "Uganda state that 32700000 people lived on land.The International Telecommunication Union says, fixed telephone 460000, only in this country, 2011, mobile phone contract number is 16690000.In 10 years 58 times.Have also use "mail".Because a lot of people without bank accounts, mobile phone company bank instead of the village shops mobile phone SMS message node, transfer agency services.The capital of the corner, "library" is the name of the shop, the music data of the 1 song about 10 yen was sold to mobile phone, people into listening to.The world of mobile phone contract number for 11 years 5900000000.Developing countries 4400000000, 3/4.In such a state is fixed telephone penetration without crossing "mobile phone" has come of age.(Facebook. COM / johonomirai: Twitter. COM / johonomirai) < page 123 page >
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