
" $10.3 million.

'Oz' again tops box office with $42.2 million

NEW YORK (AP) — "Oz the Great and Powerful" is living up to its name at the box office.

Walt Disney's 3-D blockbuster led all films for the second week in a row, taking in $42.2 million according to studio estimates Sunday. Sam Raimi's prequel to the L. Frank Baum classic "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" also took in $46.6 million overseas, leading to a two-week worldwide total of $281.8 million.

In a winter of underperforming releases, that makes "Oz" easily the biggest hit of 2013 so far.

"Boy, did we need it," said Paul Dergarabedian, box-office analyst for Hollywood.com. "There have been a lot of box-office casualties this year. This is the shot in the arm that we needed, but we're still waiting for the marketplace to gain some sort of momentum."

The box office is down nearly 13 percent from last year.

Among the weekend's debuts, the Halle Berry thriller "The Call" far exceeded expectations with a $17.1 million opening for Sony and TriStar Pictures. The Steve Carell magician comedy "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone" fared worse, opening with a disappointing $10.3 million for Warner Bros.

The performances of the two new releases continued a theme of 2013: Movies targeting female audiences have had more success than male-driven films. "The Call," in which Berry plays a 911 operator, was deliberately marketed to women, who made up 61 percent of its audience, Sony said. "Burt Wonderstone," starring Carell and Jim Carrey as rival Las Vegas magicians, sought a young male comedy audience that didn't materialize.

Female turnout has driven most all of the box office hits of the year, including the Melissa McCarthy comedy "Identity Thief" and the vampire romance "Warm Bodies." Macho films like Arnold Schwarzenegger's "The Last Stand" and Sylvester Stallone's "Bullet to the Head" have fizzled.

"Studios should take note," says Dergarabedian. "There's a lot of female power going on at the box office."

Opening in just three theaters in New York and Los Angeles was another film starring James Franco, who plays the Wizard in "Oz the Great and Powerful." ''Spring Breakers," a dreamy trip of day-glo debauchery starring Franco, Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens, opened with a strong $90,000 per-theater average ahead of its wider release next weekend.

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Hollywood.com. Where available, latest international numbers are included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday:

1. "Oz the Great and Powerful," $42.2 million. ($46.6 million international.)

2. "The Call," $17.1 million.

3. "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone," $10.3 million.

4. "Jack the Giant Slayer," $6.2 million. ($10 million international.)

5. "Identity Thief," $4.5 million. ($745,000 international.)

6. "Snitch," $3.5 million. ($130,000 international.)

7. "21 and Over," $2.6 million. ($1 million international.)

8. "Silver Linings Playbook," $2.6 million. ($3.7 million international.)

9. "Safe Haven," $2.5 million. ($1.2 million international.)

10. "Escape From Planet Earth," $2.3 million.


Estimated weekend ticket sales at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada) for films distributed overseas by Hollywood studios, according to Rentrak:

1. "Oz the Great and Powerful," $46.6 million.

2. "A Good Day to Die Hard," $20.4 million.

3. "Jack the Giant Slayer," $10.3 million

4. "Hansel and Gretal: Witch Hunters," $6.2 million.

5. "Warm Bodies," $4 million.

6. "Mama," $3.8 million.

7. "Silver Linings Playbook," $3.7 million.

8. "Les Miserables," $3.1 million.

9. "Django Unchained," $3 million.

(tie) "Jappeloup," $3 million."






Universal and Focus are owned by NBC Universal, a unit of Comcast Corp.; Sony, Columbia, Sony Screen Gems and Sony Pictures Classics are units of Sony Corp.; Paramount is owned by Viacom Inc.; Disney, Pixar and Marvel are owned by The Walt Disney Co.; Miramax is owned by Filmyard Holdings LLC; 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight are owned by News Corp.; Warner Bros. and New Line are units of Time Warner Inc.; MGM is owned by a group of former creditors including Highland Capital, Anchorage Advisors and Carl Icahn; Lionsgate is owned by Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.; IFC is owned by AMC Networks Inc.; Rogue is owned by Relativity Media LLC.


Follow AP Entertainment Writer Jake Coyle on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/jake_coyle.

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Jinxi tune printed&quot

<Main 権 reversible Code> Government main reminder で determine government は 12 Ri forenoon の Court Yee で reminder を Court Yee on April 28, April 28, 1952 に サ ン フ Getting ン シ ス コ make peace treaty が 発 efficiency し た こ と に co wa se this year April 28 Ri the に government, urgingの "the main 権 Reply · international community complex 帰 を を open ku ko the と wo decided し た remembered su ru Code. The constitutional Memorial Hall (Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku) で open reminder し attended by the Emperor, Empress tael His Majesty も su ru. Prefectural Prefecture Governor や and su ru を to invite representatives of all walks of life の に attend. <br> <br>-Code の open reminder に つ い て は red Okinawa Prefecture な ど ka ra criticism の sound ga ga っ て お ri,セリーヌ カバ 複数の韓国政府筋の情報としている, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe は Court Yee で "Amami small Kasahara, red Okinawa が 戦 after の some during, wa ga 国 の policy 権 の に set か れthe ta suffering の 歴 history the を forgot れ て は な ら ない "と 発 words. "Suffering を resistance え た ancestors の mood を thinking い red base burden on Okinawa の of の 軽 less に the fetch the the り group む" と above べ, shown fitted into consideration を し た. <br> <br> Kan Yi Wei Guanfang Executive は 12 Ri forenoon の reporter met で,モンクレール 通販 嘉田氏は、第三極を牽引, the style typical の purpose を わ が country の completely な main 権 Reply と international community complex 帰 60 years の program を remembrance し, the international community の calm と fan Sakae へThe の responsibility あ る of contribution の significance を the confirmation する "と instructions.い て は に つ "ko the れ ka ra も programs, program だ ろ う と above べ the future, every year open the く-Code に は na ra na い と の understanding to を shown し た. [Suzuki US Fringe】 【off even Notepad】 【Constitution corrections へ の desire も に ji ma se つ つ] Prime Minister Abe, to make peace treaty 発 efficiency の April 28 に "main 権 reversible Code," the House of Representatives to the operator Committee で show that [4.28 red Okinawa は "humiliationの 日】 make peace treaty 発 efficiency で Japan ka ra cut ri from さ れ [Photo で see ru] to make peace conference の treaty book を hand ni su ru Suites Hikaru ー ma nn of the Grand Masters ["サ ン フ Getting ン シ ス コ make peace treaty, Jinxi tune printed"] then の paper を Photo で <party ka ra mo suspense ga out る で> Prime Minister Abe, 9 of the Constitution to correct で の set 団 security to participate again intended を shows す


gucci バック 」と一文が添えられた主人公クラッシュのものと見られる目のイメージを確認する事も

『クラッシュ・バンディクー』最新作はWii U版も?カウントダウンサイトが一時的にオープン今年1月にもポスターのリークから噂となっていた『クラッシュ・バンディクー』シリーズ最新作ですが、新たにcrashbandicoot,グッチ 中国共産党に詳しい消息筋の話としている.comなるカウントダウンページが一時的に登場していたことが明らかとなりました,http://www.celine-tokyo.org 最大で史上最高の8億円が当たる


また、ページ下部にはPlayStation、Xbox 360、Wii Uと具体的なプラットフォームやシリーズの版権を持つActivisionの名前も記載されており、正式なお披露目がもう間もなく行われるのでは無いかと予想されています。【関連記事】 『クラッシュ・バンディクー』最新作?新デザインのバンディクーポスターが海外スタジオにて発見される 『クラッシュ・バンディクー』の生みの親たちが新スタジオを始動 アクティビジョン、新作タートルズゲーム『Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows』今夏配信 クラッシュバンディクーの新作がWiiに登場! Wiiでも『クラッシュバンディクー』が2007年に

iphone ヘッドホン さいせい

著作権切れ作家「当たり年」 スマホで読む無料の名作が続々長編小説『宮本武蔵』などで人気が高い吉川英治(1892~1962年)や、説話集『遠野物語』で知られる日本民俗学の祖、柳田国男(1875~1962年)らの作品が、今年から誰でも自由に利用できるようになった。没後50年の著作権保護期間が昨年末で満了したからだ。著作権切れ作品を無料公開するウェブサイト「青空文庫」の存在もあり、普及の伸び悩みが指摘される電子書籍界で、著作権切れ作品の電子化が着々と進行している。(磨井慎吾)











 無料の青空文庫との差別化を図るため、同コレクションには伊勢型紙を用いた凝った装丁を施した。さらに大林さんは「数ある柳田作品から、何から読むかを選択して提示するのが一つの編集。第一線の執筆者の解説を付けることで、原文を右から左に流すだけではない、この作品を世に出す意義を生み出すことができる」と、編集作業による価値の創出を強調する,3DS対応マジコン 」





 富田さんは、「保護期間が没後70年になった場合、その時点から20年、青空文庫に新しい作家が入らなくなる」と危惧する。「日本の著作権法は作者の権利を守ると同時に、保護期間を制限することで、作品が広く使われることも目指している。延長は、共有知の発展を妨げることになる」と、延長反対の立場を示している。【関連記事】 「北欧ミステリー」が面白い,45 大丈夫だよ~! 共感呼ぶキャラが活躍 終了連載が読み切りで“復活” 漫画家たちの被災地支援 東京駅と文学 世紀を超え紡がれる物語…その魅力とは 絶版本、電子書籍で復刊! 低コストで古典や全集続々 挑戦する街の本屋さん「ビール片手に」「女性に特化」 石原慎太郎氏独演

モンクレール偽物  ということだが、これは

ユニクロの高い離職率が意味するもの - 辻 元私の前記事に、山口巌さんが「ユニクロの柳井正社長は嘘つきなのか?」を書いて抵抗しているが、問題の本質を見誤っているようなので、前記事と重複するが、簡単に指摘しておきたい。




それでは何故、価格が安いのか? それは少品種、大量発注ということも要因として挙げることはできるが、人件費比率が小さいことが大きな要因であることは間違いない。 

それでは、人件費比率が小さいのは、何故か? ということだが、これは




次に、店長が労働基準法上の管理職に当たるのか、という点については、「ブラック企業、日本を食いつぶす妖怪」にあるように極めて疑わしいと思われる。店長の仕事は、店舗運営マニュアルに沿って行われ、規格化されており、店長の裁量権は、在庫の発注とスタッフの採用など非常に小さいとされる(「ユニクロ、疲弊する職場」参照), ベネディクト16世はドイツ・バイエルン州出身。 

第三の社員の教育コストだが、これがもし高ければ、3年で半数、5年で8割超といった離職率の企業は存続できないはずである。 従って社員の教育コストは安いはずだ。 事実、ユニクロの人材育成はかなりの促成栽培のようだ。 入社後、半年で店長になることを目指すというスピードぶりだ。 社員は、店員として働きながら、10センチにもなる店舗運営マニュアルを手書きで書き写し(社外秘として持ち出し不可のため)、徹底的に暗記することになる。暗記は自宅に帰ってからと休日に行われ、勿論、これには手当は支払われないから、社員の教育コストは、あまり掛かっていないと思われる。 





なぜなら、仮に島田氏の主張が正しいとするならば、高い離職率は、大部分の店舗は、店舗運営に向かない店長が運営していることを意味するからである。 これでは企業として成り立たないはずである。実際、店舗を訪れた実感として、そのような事実は認められない。 


実際、ユニクロの店長の仕事が、普通の洋品店の店長と異なるのは、仕入れ(しかも仕入れる商品はユニクロのものだけだ)、人件費の管理、広告などの仕事は、大部分、本部が決定している、という点にあり、そもそも独立自尊の商売人としてのスキルを身に付けるのは極めて難しいだろう。  店長を辞めた人には、大したスキルは残らないと思われる。 








(辻 元)【関連記事】 ユニクロの高い離職率が意味するもの デフレの正体はITか? 投資家にとって未体験ゾーンに突入した日本経済 --- 岡本 裕明 北朝鮮の暴走は「統一」でしか止まらない 「比較優位」で人生を考えてみる

r4i sdhc の殿堂入りを発表した

【テニス】ヒンギスさんが殿堂入り国際テニス殿堂は4日、女子テニスの元世界ランキング1位、マルチナ・ヒンギスさん(スイス)の殿堂入りを発表した,----------。ヒンギスさんは四大大会のシングルスで5度優勝した,YOU / 譜久村聖・生田衣梨奈・鞘師里保・鈴木香音・飯窪春菜・石田亜佑美・佐藤優樹・工藤遥。(AP)

モンクレール ジャケット じき

【おやこ新聞】まめちしき 「日銀総裁」給料いくら?Q 日銀総裁(にちぎんそうさい)ってなに? A 日本(にほん)の中央銀行(ちゅうおうぎんこう)である日本銀行のトップだよ。日銀は、モノ・サービスの値段(ねだん)や、お金(かね)をやりとりする金融(きんゆう)のシステムを安定(あんてい)させたり、お札(さつ)を発行(はっこう)したりするなど、日本経済(けいざい)で大事(だいじ)な役割(やくわり)を担(にな)っている。 Q だれが決(き)めるの A 国会(こっかい)にOKをもらって内閣(ないかく)が任命(にんめい)する。今(いま)の白川方明(しらかわ・まさあき)総裁は30代目(だいめ)で、日銀の出身(しゅっしん)。戦後(せんご)は、大蔵省(おおくらしょう)(今の財務(ざいむ)省)と日銀の出身者(しゅっしんしゃ)が交代(こうたい)で務(つと)めていた時期(じき)もあったんだ。 Q どんな仕事(しごと)をするの A いくつもあるが、代表的(だいひょうてき)なのが、金融政策(せいさく)の決定(けってい)に参加(さんか)することだ。日銀は月(つき)に1回(かい)か2回、金融政策を話(はな)し合(あ)う会合(かいごう)を開(ひら)く,45 大丈夫だよ~。そのときに総裁は議論(ぎろん)をリードする議長(ぎちょう)をやる。 Q 給料(きゅうりょう)はいくらなの A 本来(ほんらい)は、年間(ねんかん)で3422万円(えん),グッチ バック 元副会長で、東京が名乗りを上げている2020年夏季五輪の開催都市選定で投票権を持つIOC委員のアニタ・デフランツさん。ただ、東日本大震災(ひがしにほんだいしんさい)の復興(ふっこう)に協力(きょうりょく)するため、平成(へいせい)24年度(ねんど)は2396万円に減(へ)らしている。


ノザワが期末配当の増額を発表ノザワ <5237>,だが、そんな彼女に幸運にも救いの手が差し伸べられた; が6日引け後、今3月期期末配当(一括)の増額を発表した。従来予想は2円であったが、4円(前期は2円)に修正する。


 ノザワの6日の終値は、前日比2円高の193円,前半、後半とも序盤に一気に攻撃を仕掛ける。(編集担当:片岡利文)【関連記事】 日経平均248円高と高値更新、PM2.5関連株が急動意 「PM2.5」関連株が連日の急騰、興研は一時ストップ高 ドワンゴがストップ高、「ネット選挙関連株」に物色 ファーストリテが高値更新、時価総額は3兆円を超える シャープが買い気配、サムスン電子から出資受け入れ報道で


【吉祥寺女性強殺】1カ月前に家出、漫画喫茶に滞在 ルーマニア国籍の少年東京・吉祥寺の女性殺害事件で、強盗殺人容疑で再逮捕されたルーマニア国籍の少年(17)は約1カ月前に家出し、24時間営業の漫画喫茶で夜を明かしていた。 吉祥寺駅前の漫画喫茶の店員によると、少年は昨年夏ごろから頻繁に訪れるようになった。2~3人で連れだって来ることもあれば、1人で来ることもあった。 未成年のため深夜営業の時間帯には入れないことから、決まって午前4時ごろに来店し、10~12時間滞在。連日訪れることもあったという。 昨年11月中旬に店内で置引事件が発生。2日連続で客の財布が盗まれ、いずれも近くに少年がいたため店側が問いただすと「警察にだけは言わないでくれ」と懇願した,との見方もある。店は警察に通報。それ以降、少年は店に来なくなった,しかし、次の段階では、我々は主に企業のコア競争力の構築に重点を置く

前のページ1234次のページ &gt

【世界史の遺風】(42)カエサル 英雄は人質事件にどう臨んだか□東大名誉教授・本村凌二 ここは地の果てアルジェリア どうせカスバの夜に咲く 異国情緒のただよう歌詞であるが、中高年ならどこかで覚えているはず。昭和30年作の「カスバの女」の一節である。だが、はるかローマ帝国の属州時代にさかのぼれば、アルジェリアは「地の果て」どころではなかった。かなりの都市化が進んでおり、かの古代最大の教父作家・聖アウグスティヌスもその一地方都市に生まれている。 そのせいで私もアルジェリアの遺跡調査旅行を試みたことがある。だが、テロリストに誘拐される危険があるという理由で断念したのだ,フェンディ バック コンビでWの喜びとなった。だから、脅かされる生命の危うさを知りつつ働いていた人々を思えば胸が痛む。 ところで、都市国家として出発したローマは、500年にわたって共和政体をつづけてきた。その期間に広大な地域を征服し、何事も貴族が話し合って決める合議制では埒(らち)が明かない時代にさしかかっていた。 そのことに誰よりもよく気づいていたユリウス・カエサルは、少数者あるいは唯一者への権力の集中をはかる。戦略にも政略にもたけていたカエサルは、ガリア(現フランス)を征服し、政敵を追いつめ、もはや並ぶ者もない第一人者にのしあがった。それとともに国家と社会の大改革に乗り出す,r4i 3ds 2日・土。だが、恒久の共和政になじんでいた貴族たちの反感はつのり、やがて元老院議場に出向いたおりに暗殺されてしまう。享年56、ときは前44年3月15日のことであった。< 前のページ1234次のページ >


r4i 3ds U.S. officials said.

U.S,r4i 3ds. defense chief's Afghan news conference canceled over security fears

KABUL (Reuters) - A joint news conference that had been scheduled for Afghan President Hamid Karzai and U.S,モンクレール コート. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has been canceled over security concerns,ipad2 ケース カバー, U,モンクレール レディース ダウン,ブランソン モンクレール and the man that are the perpetrators.S,r4 は early date に Tochigi huang Mountain. officials said.

The officials declined to cite the nature of the security threat. But it comes a day after a suicide bombing in Kabul that killed nine civilians, about a kilometer away from where Hagel was holding a morning meeting.

(Reporting by Phil Stewart,iphone4 ケース ケイトスペード,http://www.r4kaartr4i.org br>; Editing by Jeremy Laurence)


the lovers also held a predetermined.Articles related to [CLAMP Fes] Mizuki Nana other performance

Performances, a new "Sakura" "EVA" "Macross" cover!
"card Captor Sakura" (Tomoyo daidouji role), "Evangelion" (holes in wood light role), "magical girl Madoka Magika" (Saotome and child role) are know seiyuu, singer active performances in the anime song album "Anison A Z" in January 23rd issue!

[Photos] other black and white as the keynote, "Anison A to Z" cover

JAPAN EXPO in French animation enthusiasts such as "Anison Acoustics" before same, jazz musician Chuan Cun long producer as work now, "you know the untold story" (Bakemonogatari), "sad Hi" ("Maison Ikkoku)," interstellar flight "(Macross F)," Adesso e Fortuna to inflammation and forever "(Rhodes Collection)," soul reincarnation "(Evangelion theatrical version, newborn)," love · remember.?"(Macross remember, love), "secret base ~ you give things" (see the flower's name, and we still don't know).September.(ONE PIECE), "VOICES" (MACROSS PLUS), "Platinum" (card Captor Sakura) total 10 songs included.This "KALTA" Ying Xuan, Iwase Tachiasu, Tada and other musicians luxury lineup members also concern.In addition,"

Performance Hall Concert "Anison A Z" ", March 17th (day) Harajuku mission hall was held.CD and the same members Hall Concert, please look.But this time, performance reviews also arrived at mr.!


■ performances.

"before the great repercussions, animation and the power of song, once again confirmed.This is great music, the best musicians sing together.The first 10 10 Avenue play active role, with all my work.Please feel my, our thoughts to convey."


2013.1.23 ON sales

performances "Anison A to Z."

1 you do not know the story
2 sad hi
3 interplanetary flight
4 Adessoe Fortuna ~ inflammation and forever
5 soul reincarnation
6 love, do you remember
7 Secret base ~ you give something to
8 September!

platinum price: 32000 yen (including tax)

■ Performance Hall Concert "Anison A Z"

in March 17, 2013 16 after sixteen thirty
@ Harajuku mission Hall

CD included song of the band members playing to.In addition, the lovers also held a predetermined.Articles related to [CLAMP Fes] Mizuki Nana other performances!The theme is "Red Group victory fusion" music and video!"The official report animation song Red" arrival!Anime singers to sing on stage anime cover set name!The anime cover CD release 2 CD title!Activities!"Shibuya × autumn" as the idea of giving anime cover collection!
ewpofkdslp 123Related articles:

The Commodores

Asian fans beat, March "Seoul rock" posted
"American Idol" origin has also been know glamor award winning R& B singer, fans of Tei (Fantasia Barrino), due in March, the new album "The side Effects Of You issued a" published.

in 2010 December second boy was born lovers Tei Zia, following in 2011 February held in the Super Bowl Gospel concert in the arena station return velocity, recording resumed.Last December, Mr Gates (The Commodores) - "Nightshift" refers to the new single "Lose To windows" published about 3 years of the new "The side Effects Of You" finally released.

it was last summer sale has been said about the new Tei Asian fans, on March 13th on the radio."The whole album London born and male.Up to now a variety of producers and done, but this time is that it does not want to do, a person slowly built.A sound like that ", and Jennifer Hudson, & neo" Think like (like A Man), "- for, course," systems: Enough Of No Love "and other works by Manny and H· · Michiru, fierce should major (Harmony aka H - Money) in general all the production pattern.The new "Seoul rock" on her description, "Seoul rock" and listen to Tina · James · Brown Turner, remember?This is my feeling things always want to do.This made RCA Records, thank you very much.".At the end of this "Lose To windows" video label (LaBelle) to make people think of the way.

the other fans of Tei Zia, in February this year be held NFL Super Bowl · activity in the scheduled.Kirk Franklin (in Franklin) to host, fans as mixed other Asian DoCoMo, the group, with the Danish RA group (Donnie, McClurkin) -, Marvin, Na, Y, (Marvin Winans), Paul · (Bishop Paul S; Morton. Morton) a predetermined things have stood on the stage.Related articles] [Fantasia Harmony aka H Money artist information - the artist information
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popular employer really suitable for not going to the &middot

The original supervision was really Matsui Hideki?The giants OB, Na speak their panic
2013 began working in January 7th, the giants owner (President Watanabe Koo) in Haikou."After the original matsui.".The original Chen de coach successor director, at the end of last year announced his retirement Matsui Hideki filling".Such a bomb, speech has very big effect.

■ successor candidate written self-styled mulberry heart and how?

lip service don't think Na their living language.Quietly welcome new year occupation baseball off strong bomb.

"giant Matsui had come back early.The coach did after the primary succession after a good.The director wanted to be. "

the words, the front is jumped up, at the scene in the original supervision led by leaders scared.Na their speech, giant, about that so many things.Ambient "sound" activities.

Na their's way, "Matsui Takahashi Unobu" to escape one's lips.That is to say, 10 years 15 years prior to the disclosure of director of personnel.
Reaction of OB
Na their speak more.Special is the director of the seat as the goal of the people, is a great event.That's Sanda Masumi.

draft 1 bit PL Gakuen Kuwata, from the Senate joined the League giants and self-esteem.Major league voted, but in Japan is the giants active completed.The giant "giant veteran director" the unwritten rules, Kuwata eligible, so I also motivated behavior attract sb.'s attention.
After retirement from active service,
"learning" degree "open school of the Waseda University.The giants coach preferred action."The relationship among the sound also has.

so far successor Jiangchuan Zhuoyuan nominated, the so-called leaders meet on the edge Na personnel to master the "flying Qing Wu chaos" implicated to eat, the line disappeared.Since, Kuwata, the shortest distance of their jump to believe it.
Debut of
that change, Matsui is contrary to expectation of the things.Matsui is the highest "backing" the problem is Matsui.Time, giant left the League to Matsui said: "the giant's margin fault" idea without distinction.Back number 55 immediately later added, giant OB Wang Zhenzhi and former director WBC also participated in the.Very giant has not go back, do not go back and belly decides.

however, active resigned, but baseball has a job, said mark, additional.Critics commentator can at most?.This is the first 1, 2 years is concerned.Baseball to leave the other work hard to.Don't curator hometown Matsui Memorial subsided.

consider when things, there must be.Giant words complain.The world Nagashima Shio even giant sandals off "honorary supervision".

(honorific omitted sports reporter · Sugatani Sai) [] Association reported "Long Island coach and manners of the best memories" Matsui "retirement with" say "sorry dad, and love.I'm AV actress."Naked blog topic [people] Bangkok luxury Thailand family busy "Jim Thompson farm" to limit the travel GO!"The stability of super large life insurance", popular employer really suitable for not going to the · · · 2 "dissatisfaction after marriage faces."
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Tokunaga Ichinami

Berryz studio · Siyong peaches, S / mileage and wins the flu
"Mirror Cake" Berryz Newworkshop Siyong peaches, S / mileage and the color of flowers and Katsuda Rina flu diagnosed in the official website.According to the 3 people, in January 12th, held 13 < hello!Born 15 anniversary concert project 2013 winter > default.

and Siyong, the January 14th meeting of the < Berryz workshop; the single "WANT!"The release of commemorative activities "will not take part in the party.

on the other hand, Berryz workshop as 14 held a predetermined "S / mileage" cold."Release of commemorative activities / education hall hall held a bridge >, is itself determines the delay.Transfer performance, period contingent, while gradually with determine official website has been published.

and field in his blog, "quick, cure, 6 people and healthy attitude displayed efforts."And commentary.[] the association reported BARKS glue forward channel report] [Hello concert in 2013!Project spring show magnificent opening.OG participate in the corner field not to get married after the debut of the [report] "sexy Santa" Berryz studio Shibuya.Mirror Cake want. "" million people Hello!The project of gallinule form young big thank offerings to hold Berryz studio · Tokunaga Ichinami, he is "do this attitude is a idiot."
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series to date &quot

Sean · Connally, the Bond parallel Oscar awards ceremony it
Sean · Connally, the James Bond are tied possibility eighty-fifth Oscar awards ceremony.

other photos

Oscar Award "was held in February 24th, the 50 anniversary of the 007" series of commemorative Laboratory for the fierce · angle of 4 minutes at the role of Bond, now the 6 generation headed by Craig Daniel, the second generation · George · for the group three miraj Noyes, Roger · Moore, four generations of Timothy; Dalton, the 5 generation of Pearce Bresnan, the Bond 5 people rallied, appeared on in Taiwan, but has been in the industry currently attend Sean actor retirement intention.The relationship between Oscar awards, now the first Bond Sean retirement active past Bond 6 people all Jian dressing for work.

but, in Xiao Enquan's 23 Works, 7 works, regardless of the past 40 years, with series producer transition team appearance fees and treatment, around things through opposite, up to now, the bond gathered the same events, refused to continue, Sean calls the very difficult.

just, Oscar awards of the British "Daily Mirror" reported that, according to the price "always and hair different proposals"."Sean Daniel began the 007 said they wish to accept the offer on the stage.However, at this time, NO's answer is that Sean never get.Usually, he immediately put refused to answer."
Relationship between
"Sean and Oscar relationship is good, so he is the present.Don't people made Sean and Bond movie is Oscar award is another problem, we as Sean, this issue was shelved, should this memorial activities."

and organizer, Oscar award, the Oscar Award nominated, series to date "007 the sky fall" theme song "the sky fall" sing, design, also laboratory the fierce, · angle to make plan.[] Association reported PGA prize nomination: "007 the sky fall", Stephen · Spielberg's "Genesis" as the rehabilitation group, "making, indefinite extension to the mother's" coffee "gifts, prevent drowsiness is not only the" energy "also rose......"Aurora live survey test support", until the January 31st movie · TV drama series;
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so in any case this opportunity King mood should enjoy.

Dumpling King "the king of KREVA package" (908 yen) during a defined.The new song "
sale January 16th King holiday", KREVA "Dumpling King" King cooperation."King holiday" name, collaboration package "in January 12th during a defined KREVA King meal" (tax included 908 yen), East Japan area (except for a part of the shop) "Dumpling King will" chain store sales began.

the KREVA image

posters, actually "Dumpling King will" shop to photograph reproduced, composition, clothing, posture to spoof attack, frank cooperation KREVA color burst.

908 yen "the king of KREVA package", is the fried shrimp dry classic dumplings and fried rice (semi -) on the combination of the king, a luxury package.First to one side the original sticker's gift was intended, however, collaborative activities at the end of 1, so in any case this opportunity King mood should enjoy.

in addition, "King holiday" after the release of the new album, "SPACE sale in February 27th has" come on stage, and then is the national tour into the."SPACE" special patterns of fully qualified version of BOX + CD+DVD + original wall clock, because it is the end of the appointment of the shops are out of the situation, so the appointment went to better.In March 29th three, Saitama city culture hall hall is the beginning of a national tour "KREVA CONCERT 2013" SPACE Tour "" advance booking, the official website of the January 13th (day 18): 00.As to check the side also missed.
The set of

dumplings before 1 people, baked dry prawns (half), rice, soup
908 yen (including tax)During the
Sales: January 12th (Saturday) to 31 days (wood)
the shop: "Dumpling King will" East Japan area shops

ewpofkdslp 123Related articles:

began in August 10 at the end of &quot

ZOOM] [network article on charges of "free" sign of cultural transformation
"free" content overflow network in the world, the "charge" to expand the subscription service.DoCoMo, began in August 10 at the end of "blog vest", with 20000 people break.In September the famous article 1 weeks 150 yen to read "cakes (Keban)" began.The article on the network payment is the habit of rooting.Oda Juntsugu) the tuna hall the popularity of · environment complete "tram to see words, stick out a mile, books and read the newspaper people reduce, and now we are intelligent mobile phone, tablet computer) see.So the type is consumed.However, professional income to write something, also be supplied."Say so, Keban personally peace of election, Danish (Tokyo Tokyo Shibuya District) chief executive officer of Kato Zhen (39)."Network article is free" the fixed background, "the past text information 10 years many enterprises in order to promote the use of less data of news, also provide free so".On the other hand, writers and publishers are dependent on the circulation system in the past, the network works as supply is negative.Mr. Kato "to the present network professional propaganda and making things and, amateur hobby do things no other two."Summary.However, in recent years, the popularity of flat-panel terminal intelligent mobile phone, communication environment has developed.The amount of data is not care about content, can enjoy the environment, add content to charge mobile phone cost can be added to improve the charge system.The writer also depressed, published before the earnings remain stagnant flow dependence, on the other hand, Horie Kifumihara livedoor president (40) = = detain part of celebrity mail magazine readers to collect a success.Mr. Kato this element of overlapping "turning point" to visit the.< the previous page next page > 123;
ewpofkdslp 123Related articles:

AICL - 2489 2100

The first of a series of 36 luxury MIX CD "A on mixed by DJ ↑ ↑ and" saleThe main DJ
Japanese maximum level J-POP monster "J-POP knight to Japan", Sony Music for the first time, J-POP DJ first.Up to now the release of the MIX CD 6 breakthrough in a total of 400000 DJ and, most popular new full of MIX CD "A mixed by DJ about ↑ ↑ and" 1 / 16 release.

the MIX CD, the first 36 original source of popular used directly in a grip of the MIX CD.The record company cross, the latest fashion represents the era of song,,, and the iron center floor, precious first appeared sound far, luxury 36 song collection.

"A on mixed by DJ and" ↑ ↑
issued in January 16th
AICL - 2489 2100 (tax in)
1 Kato Miriya "HEART BEAT (English version.)"
3 May J. "Because of that one day feat RYO the SKYWALKER".
4 NERDHEAD "I 'm OK feat MiChi".
5 Alice "X feat SHUN" ambush on all sides.
6 Shimizu Shota "GOODBYE"
7 Tiara "your smile like with YUKA from moumoon"
9 moumoon "CHU Chu"
10 MAY 'S "Smiling"
11 PENGIN "the world's only Cinderella feat. U"
13 RSP "I love you"
only once again to 14 SATOMi "Love ~ HAPPY joy and clear ever back to feat. HISATOMI"
15 RAM WIRE "nameless day"
16 JASMINE sad to 17 say. "
the spitting, "you."
18 Noa "love you.Feat. LGYankees, LGMonkees "
19 LGYankees "I ~ love song to feat. LGMonkees"
20 Hashimoto Erika "I Know"
21 fumika said "feat WISE" next.
22 with JAY 'ED "JUJU" if the arrival of tomorrow
23 TAK - Z "cherry"
24 MIREI "Hysteric Girl"
25 Miura Sally "lost......"
26 FLOWER "Still"
27 CLIFF EDGE I Love You feat jyA - Me109 "goodbye."
28 Kato miriya× Shimizu Shota "Love Forever"
29 SOUL 'd OUT Singin' "My Lu"
30 Nobodyknows + "course to I-mode," as the core
31 Ma wave 25 "SONS OF THE SUN"
32 Dancing Dolls "Shanghai darling"
33 SHUN "Move theory."
34 COMA - 2 PARTY feat TIME CHI Marseille "AK - 69".
35 Lecca "red"
36 MINMI "Xianana ☆" [] "the association reported on mixed by DJ A ↑ ↑ and" official website "combustion" hot in the collection
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School of Noyes studies of new plan, the concert Negicco coding: wind & fetter, YeYe contest
tower records planning new LIVE activity "miracle lucky girl" in Osaka in February 13th 2013, · Mei Tian CLUB QUATTRO held that determines.

[more] large images

"miracles" lucky girls, a variety of female artist beyond the genre can happy event and set up.In order to commemorate the first, Negicco, & University: wind; 3 group stage fetter ~ KIZUNA ~ YeYe.Tickets in each group, and the I-mode Noyes tomorrow on sale at the beginning of January 12th.

TOWER RECORDS presents miracle lucky girl 2013

February 11, 2013 (Monday) and Osaka Mei Tian CLUB QUATTRO
< performers. "
Negicco / Organization: wind & fetter ~ KIZUNA ~ / YeYe
costs: pre-sale 3500 yen (drinks on the other)
General on January 12, 2013 (Saturday) [] reports "R rule" New Year's Eve 2 hour special on Negicco, YUI group of 5 debut Negicco, Daikanyama Xmas one-man leap in the 2012 final accounts of Negicco, the first single Westminster given too Negicco 2013 featured commemorates one-man live recording of DVD included the elevator initial mini album Negicco women's unit collaboration song
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The United States of America job job recruitment Web site information acquisition
26, the United States of America recruitment information website "southeast Germany" shares, early October announced full subsidiaries of the.The amount of purchase is not open.The world in the month of about 80000000 people use southeast Germany subsidiary, expanding overseas expansion.New York Times is 25, Southeast Asia owned everything clear job selling.The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosure of information display, New York Times $100000000 (about 7800000000 yen) sale profit prospects.
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eastern Africa inland country rural life in Uganda corn broker

[information for future part third (4)] poor power mobile phone.
before the press Uganda phone is amazing clearly hear.Kyoto University Africa Regional Research Information Center researchers, door Bi (green), (30) side, eastern Africa inland country rural life in Uganda corn broker, Ma, have sir (25) telephone, even if nothing is also called."Field work acquaintance, however, had no money, buzz called puppy cut too much.Recent price, from the opposite side to the "Uganda state that 32700000 people lived on land.The International Telecommunication Union says, fixed telephone 460000, only in this country, 2011, mobile phone contract number is 16690000.In 10 years 58 times.Have also use "mail".Because a lot of people without bank accounts, mobile phone company bank instead of the village shops mobile phone SMS message node, transfer agency services.The capital of the corner, "library" is the name of the shop, the music data of the 1 song about 10 yen was sold to mobile phone, people into listening to.The world of mobile phone contract number for 11 years 5900000000.Developing countries 4400000000, 3/4.In such a state is fixed telephone penetration without crossing "mobile phone" has come of age.(Facebook. COM / johonomirai: Twitter. COM / johonomirai) < page 123 page >
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ewpofkdslp 123

Tokyo Auto Salon [13] "2 UX 3 J" is from the negative side to see the image of
Tokyo Auto Salon 13 room 8 East Hall "2 UX 3 J" the mystery of the booth.Lighting at the DJ music, the stage before the queue Lexus car 4.Disclosed are clearly not, actually here Lexus booth.


"mirror reflecting LEXUS", or "side overlooking the 2 UX 3 J" to see such a thing, Lexus car side potential "sexy wild personality" beast figurative expression.4 Lexus vehicles are characteristic of each of the "beast", is not the sort of beast charged black tent circus hut, booth concept.Floor of barbed wire to imitate the printing, also have "participants beast attacks don't care.".

display cars, all kinds of industry design author.As the auto salon for many years in the craftsman technology integration, expression.

"response to Ishida Machi" [] Association [] reported Detroit auto show 13 Lexus, model IS exhibited 3 model F SPORT set [Detroit show the Lexus IS hybrid power 13 [], first set to CES Lexus LS 13] the robot vehicle...The next generation of safety technology and vehicle (picture warehouse] [Detroit show the Lexus IS model 13], official photos Tokyo automatic salon news special edit
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Kinokuniya house

Pressure disperse young force Machangche "heat killing" challenge
"at the age of 24, their Kimura Ts challenge energy.".The young actress Baba Tetsu, began in February of the late Tukakohe masterpiece "homicide incident in hot sea 40 years, NEW" (Okamura Junichi Productions) starring drive.

"homicide incident in hot sea" is the premiere Shiaowa 48 year, 40 year anniversary.Many changes while repeated again works, famous actor biography soldier Methodist minister police role in creating history.

hot sea killings prisoner Oyama Kitaro (EXILE NAOKI) cycle, biography weapon uneven searches, from Toyama to the Kumada Ruyoshi police (Makita Tetsuya) and Mizuno Tomoko (Ootani Eiko) and crossly game.

"the year before last gig at the time, Mr. Yamazaki Yino's biography soldier who, in short words impression.The pressure, but this is all young actors, energy to be roughly the same."The new heat killing" as the goal."The racecourse.

Tokyo are born, "sunflower" after the theater actor, become more TV, movies, CM performance.Stage play "Prince of tennis" (Heisei 19 years), in recent years "dragon 2010 the last princess", "new" has pure biography works such as performance, but keep it, this is the fourth works.

"one is" dragon. "In the first time to see it, too shocking, terror to breathe.Want to learn more in-depth and prisoner (prisoner), however, soon (22 years and died, at the age of 62), shocked.However, it works a relationship has always been to ".

the dreams of the future, from the child dreamed up this Hollywood movie star."In short, started learning english.Now the accumulation of future connections, so, I think learning all sorts of things they want to improve the "active.".

premiere in February 2 ~ 18 days = Tokyo, Kinokuniya house, March 2nd 2 p.m. Osaka = · Sen palace bottom overhead hall.(Hiramatsu Sumiko) [] Association reported foot long. "...Bashenlian speech "new group" crack!?Stage gate] ["7" SAMURAI Machangche like humans want to play to the world tour...Ah -- late late's "ambition" is the red and white stage "Lan" the successful completion of the fans be defeated "love" and "Norika Fujiwara, Watanabe Atsushiro is very proud to play" winter "victims of civil helicopter 1 10000 yen."
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"Press release" kylin beer, beer "Ichiban" stout update
kylin beer (general manager Isaki Gong code), on sale since 2007, praised dark beer "Ichiban stout", inside the package to update, February 6th countrywide sale.Selling varieties, 350 ml 334 ml cans, small, food 7 15 L L barrels, barrels.

2013 "Ichiban" brand, "beer joy and happiness is being expanded" as the theme, often trendy brand expansion target indication.Update, and the new law proposal to drink, and contact with customers to enlarge.

"Ichiban stout", center unique traditional strengths of mellow and, modern beer taste requirements drink easy, "malt 100% use" Ichiban "preparation", the realization of a rich rich and mellow taste special dark beer.The use of yeast, since the bottom fermentation yeast from yeast fermentation, in the strong fragrance, improve, roasted malt and caramel malt with adjustment of the thing, easy to drink even in formal sense black beer finished.Dark malt the subtle sweetness and flavor, "Ichiban preparation" unique soft texture, with elegant fragrance, full-bodied, enjoy the luxury of big black beer.

packaging, beer and advanced and quality feel attractive to buyers of fashion design.

in addition, update the sale closed food stores and supermarkets, such as hypermarkets, "hot center" (* 1), the winter's new fun "spread out a topic to change career.Since January 2013, food menu suggestions to strengthen, in discount stores, however, "Ichiban" such as stout goods and special heat-resistant glass, beer factory limited as a present popular products "Ichiban beer jelly chocolate" meal, family can easily enjoy "Ichiban chocolate and enjoy it!At home in the center of heat packages "(* 2) and in February 6th began selling.

(* 1) using microwave heating "Ichiban stout" just so far did not enjoy the delicious beer.

(* 2) an appointment.

advertising, advertising on television and the Internet Magazine, such as the center, Jitsuzuki Ichiro and Aoi Yusan on stage, I "hot center" as the theme of the dark beer enjoy extensive pursuit method.

the company's "Ichiban stout" in 2007 sale, summer froze to Center collapse "frost center", "center of autumn and winter heat", according to the season and the scene with enjoy a variety of recommended.The autumn of 2012, the new taste of beer by topic "Ichiban frost < life >, black beer also started things, 2012 sales over the previous year about 2 into the smooth passage of such a.This update, compared with beer taste and enjoy the method widely appeal within the context of the sense of presence to rise, more customers beer new charm, I realized that the market activity and total demand to expand contribution.

kylin group, "delicious smile" group slogan, always guests near, various "ligament" breed, "food and health" to the delight of the proposal.

the "Ichiban" have stout commodity summary

1 name of commodity

"Ichiban" stout "

2 release date

February 6, 2013 (water)

3 distribution area

the country

4 varieties

350 ml cans, small (334 ml), 7 L 15 L barrels, barrels

5 price

open price

6 the concept of commodity

malt 100%× a pressing method of production, big black beer.

Update 7 focus


center unique traditional strengths of mellow and, modern beer taste requirements drink easy, "malt 100% use" Ichiban "preparation", the realization of a rich rich and mellow taste special dark beer.The use of yeast has the bottom fermentation yeast from yeast fermentation, in the strong fragrance, improve, roasted malt and caramel malt with adjustment of the thing, easy to drink even in formal sense black beer finished.


beer as a senior and quality feel fashion design.

8 alcohol degree



malt beer raw materials, flowers

10 advertising spread
television such as the center, Jitsuzuki Ichiro and Aoi Yusan on stage, I "hot center" as the theme of the dark beer enjoy method demands

sales in the 11 predetermined number

approximately 400000 boxes (large bottle of conversion, 2013) * 5 kilolitres,

12 manufacturing plants

kylin beer Shiga factory

the mellow chocolate and enjoy it!Related articles:

Tian Zhongshan export adorable and Italy rice dating to admit. &quot

Funny, Tian Zhongshan export adorable and Italy rice dating to admit. "" don't go
actor Yamaguchi Moe (35) of the Italy restaurant date reported comedy problems in Tanaka Yuji (47) 13, TBS "SUNDAY Japon" to serve as host (10· weeks before; 00)."Two times out," admitted.

[Photos] Yamaguchi Moe and Tanaka dinner date is within the "hand"

always smile pass communication, on the field.Phase · Tada Hikaru (47) have Tucao "go.Another place (Italy restaurant) to two times "and pass dating advertisement," AA - if it is very funny ", Tanaka treat reveals.

to meal frequency, pass "hand."Then, however, Tanaka was "about three times", more specifically digital.Former congressman actor Sugimura Ta (33) "love?"The answer is "let a smile to remember" shy "Tanaka, offer no (date) to love" and the possibility of development also hinted at."Don't come home.Cats are also introduced."And "hand dish dating" reports denied, but "before the giants." "G party" mutual occupation baseball giants eagerly reveals.Related articles [] pass adorable funny questions Tanaka married including "life is what you do not understand" "comedy Tanaka and Yamaguchi adorable 2 people met carefully" reason Yamaguchi Moe hometown 80000000 yen "corruption victimization Cuiyun hall" the original division arrest Yamaguchi Moe blow...A businessman's husband was arrested without a permit, customs business of the suspects, Yamaguchi Moe comedy, Tanaka Yuji survey
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left a deep impression.

Concert report] [Vienna 2013 Phil · New Year Concert, average viewing ratio 61%
this year in January 1, 2013, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra New Year Concert held under.1939 began more than 70 years of history and proud of this concert, radio and television through the world 70 countries to exceed national and regional broadcasting, 400000000 people watched the classical music world's biggest activities.Known as the world's first start trouble tickets more than 200000 yen price, 2013 to become a local TV Austria, average ratings reached 61% of the good results sheath.

the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra image

2013 commander, in 2011 after the second debut of the Austria born Frantz · suitable for have =.Karajan and his test have since this concert debut in the first Austria command, 2011 concert "Karajan and test have since the most beautiful new year concert.Suitable for have = Strauss is a, runner, Hermes Berger how music should hold "echoes of perfect (" Austria "magazine) was praised, this also places great debut..

the following, local music critic Nomura Miro report.

in the

pure Austria, suitable for have = has the ability to play

Vienna national opera music director of excellence, Frantz · suitable for have =, since 2011 second in the 2013 new year concert.Sent to the state.

first John 2 world's brother, Joseph · Strauss "have, suitable for".From the beginning of enthusiastic young enthusiastic, 2013 Vienna new year is dawning."Hot" word is used 3 times, that is the best pitch.Sue Brett this is Mozart's "the marriage of Figaro" the protagonist, the same head turning fast maid roles.A playing.

to twenty-first Century Vienna J. Phil completely renew one's youth, vibrant feel strong.Replace sb.'s Cello Barr as test Schultz, flute, clarinet have suitable for Iraq, trombone have dozens of years has been good. Look too lonely, this is when the flow of things, the Vienna Philharmonic is alive.

it is the conductor Frantz · suitable for have = very pure Austria.Vienna Phil and his wand to take if good, suitable for have = each other the Vienna Philharmonic, and Vienna Waltz rhythm as from the moment.At the end of 2012, suitable for have =, Vienna · Colonel Clemence loves Lele health suitable for doctor said the two chance, at that time suitable for have = "Switzerland and London in the meat Waltz dumped, but Vienna flow can not ah.The last time (2011) new year concert when honestly very tense, however, the real Vienna accent meat Waltz hometown back feeling "left a deep impression.

the significance, in the Encore "beautiful green The Danube", suitable for have = ability is played.Vienna Phil the music playing, who under the command of the course of wonderful, but the people of Austria suitable for have = command to "genuine" listen care.Meat Waltz rhythm, the following phrases into the moment of "power" to say anything, Vienna wind.Clemence · Claus, at an have, have, suitable for, suitable for,, once Austria master who died, now I feel it is rare.But John II made its debut in · coffee; Maier suitable for have = great-grandfather business!

Wagner and Beldy Ni have those have an origin of program

"this year's Wagner, Beldy's Ni have about an have.Then two people associated with the procedure. "Health food suitable for.Meat Waltz prevails, the two master their Vienna command.Therefore in the 2013 New Year Concert is the first time in the history of opera, from their 1 music programs.Wagner "Green" Ron is third act prelude, Verdy "Tang · Carlos" third starts, you won't be playing not ballet debut.Especially the "Ron Green" prelude is overwhelming power, applause raised.Related articles:

in addition

Fuji, after 1 and a half years to complete new album "VOYAGER"
Fuji fabric new album "VOYAGER" (waiting for the detector) published March 6th incident clearly.

[more] large image

now works "STAR" since, after about 1 and a half years, the organization is second photo album.In February 6th, released as a single in Japan TV animation "brother" universe titles bend "Small World" and, both sent a single [in vain "black and white" streamline "" Light Flight ", the 12 words.The other "VOYAGER" is the sailor meaning of English words at the same time, American Aerospace Bureau (NASA) Unmanned planetary probes by name.The album Fuji new adventure filled with content, can let a person feeling.

in addition, first print limited disk encryption volume bonus DVD tied with mark."Small World" [in vain "black and white" streamline "" Light Flight "PV, the 2012 event documentary of" DOCUMENT 2012?2 - Part voice attachment included.The documentary is the first of the "DOCUMENT 2012?1 - the single "Small World part" first print limited disk with DVD can enjoy.

and the issue of the new album was released together, the band's official YouTube channel "Small World" short version of the PV discloses.PV image writer Shika Takumi's "the earth is the four angle" for the concept of production, unbelievable video world.Related article [150000] 5000 people attend!Tenth years CDJ "" big spectacle of closing the Fuji song "cosmic brothers" of the new OP & RADIO CRAZY first hall tour, Maomao, Fuji, also CDJ "" buzz Makuhari schedule of & DJ lineup is published, our future is the debut CDJ eventually published Yoshii Kazuya,, lip gloss, 9 additional DIR
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nor let check vehicle enthusiasts to pick up the.

Tokyo Auto Salon University life!"86" "BRZ" tuned cars with open
"Tokyo Auto Salon 2013 with NAPAC" in the largest one of aspect, is really the Toyota car "86" Subaru (Fuji Heavy Industries) "BRZ".

[expansion] portraits and other portraits

so far, the 2011 Tokyo Motor Show and the last Tokyo automatic salon vehicle display and March, but because of the neglect of 86 and BRZ spring 2012 general sales began a modeling.The Toyota / Sbaru and the relevant manufacturers booth exhibit subject, however, this is the site of the large and small booth 86 and BRZ using a custom car show.

vehicle presentation is not, nor let check vehicle enthusiasts to pick up the.

Toyota car

Toyota booth booth front 5 86 arranged to display.And LFA juxtaposition is discloses Gazoo Racing from Newburgh Limburg link 24 hour endurance race war predetermined outside the car, the 6, show.

booth central display, suitable for have also held "GRMN FR Concept PLATINUM", in May last year is out GRMN sports FR Concept further evolution of the 1 station.The 86 component is used, turbo charger and twin engine output increased, the previous 86 is almost identical to the design change drastically, "20 years ago have owned car" vision "and" brilliant "modern resuscitation" mission is given a concept car.

"AE TRD 86 times to a variety of things, again 86 users with" theme, was developed "86 TRD Griffon Concept".Carbon parts with lightweight and body reinforcement as the center of the driving performance is flushed to improve, Tsukuba circuit stage actual driving and day by day mature continues to say.

V type 6 cylinder 3.5 litre 2 GR - FSE engine dress up "TOM 'S N 086 V Concept".More than 2 times, improving the engine power, should receive special tune coil shock absorber unit, forged aluminum piston calipers and 4355 Φ rotor constitute the front hand braking system and the different foot around the fortified by.

Toyota's dress up curve Park "MODELLISTA" hands-on "was the 86, cool sense of the future" as the theme of the installation as suitable for through appearance impression make innovation beyond, interior decoration and equipment change is convenient to improve also focus on custom concept model.

vehicle show itself somewhat exotic Toyota · original jewelry "86× style Cb", however, face image is also a sudden change in the enthusiasm of work.

female user view of consciousness, "old age sports car for the subject, and what kind of car is not 1" as a goal that has been designed.Especially in the original design of the round headlights 86 existing concept greatly change the project, but the fenders and Millinery pure style, new design bumper changes just combination.

Subaru (Fuji Heavy Industries)

Subaru booth, race war of 2 vehicles, a concept car of 1, a total of 3 BRZ display.

"BRZ Premium Sport Package CONCEPT", is an adult high quality sports car concept, high brightness special metal color packaging color and the carbon rod for roof board, BBS 19 inch aluminum wheels and other special terms are given, the STI suitable for as & Sports scarves and other installation.Interior decoration is the Impreza WRX STI also acclaimed tan leather decoration, with Kool style and enthusiasm of driving performance.

Weds Sport

body panel almost carbon material of complete surprise "Tursiops carbon addict 86".Fast and light, the pursuit of "Japan is now the fastest 86" itself.Turbine of FA 20 to the engine, after 3 years on the market to test this dry carbon round a majority of 1.

Kansai service

Kansai services in different color of 86 and BRZ display.

AT style 86 based "Kansai 86 super cruiser", AT semi-finished products drive and run the fun is fusion, should HKS GT supercharger and new original as suitable for installation.

another "Kansai BRZ", the vehicle's potential, the pursuit of a naturally aspirated engine HKS suction set additional premium.Run, turn, stop the automobile basic performance to higher element super FR sports.


"OKUYAMA 86" is "who can do adjustment circuit, time attack specifications" concept.Engine host dare pure formal kind of way, market sales of tuning elements center test quest 1.The user's line of sight is very close to 86.Related articles:


"Mae Ni" about my METALLICA and MUSE Eve offering, THE STONE ROSES performance decision
August 10th and holds 11 days music festival "SUMMER SONIC 2013" held in August 9th, on the eve of festival "SONICMANIA 2013" inertia was published.

[] more photos

"SUMMER SONIC 2013" inertia was published, Tokyo in August 10th and August 11th in the Osaka premiere premiere performances of the METALLICA, Tokyo in August 11th and Osaka in August 10th premiere premiere performances of MUSE.In addition, "SONICMANIA 2013" pen THE STONE ROSES as it becomes clear.Will also have additional performers published.Tickets for the creative man member first appointment today began in January 15th.CINRA. NET [] Association reported "SUMMER SONIC 2013" & "2013" SONICMANIA; & on the decision held; Ozawa Kenji, UA,, the music of Mizora Oon Kumi Koda, cover test, as the first director have suitable for the soundtrack of Paul · Mccartney NHK "and their cooperation scholastic Ryuichi Sakamoto music school", the third season guest star Shunji Iwai, Asada Shiaki David Bowie debut, after about 10 years of the new album "The Next Day" issued in March
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Mirror Cake flu. "Forgive me," absent
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[Photos] navel sexy appeal!"Your Excellency's charm" with Goto Maki

12 in the official website of influenza and performance and absence was published.

the blog also new year cake, "than the day before yesterday issued fever to hospital examination results were diagnosed influenza.It is medicine and drink hot (degree) is quite down] condition description.With the new flu for 12 days to 13 days "hello!Project born 15 anniversary concert 2013 winter "and 14 single" WANT Berryz studio!"Release of commemorative activity was absent in their own language enthusiasts to illustrate.

Mirror Cake "of their own health status management of influenza deep introspection.There are many of you worry, very sorry to trouble you."And a solid language after apologizing, "ah...Mistake.Forgive meow "to" Mirror Cake - ".Related articles [] of female college students' New Year cake, Douma O education practice glasses & set down "so cute" "nosebleed heavy fragrant mirror cake for severe" vision "in" under the Matsuura Aya return!Disease released debut after passion to sing "never mind" fans Saoran!Ma semantic H!P concert "surprise return", Berryz studio Siyong peach, influenza survey
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 また、戦力を維持するために必要な最低限の兵役期間は、歩兵や砲兵の場合は22カ月、工兵や整備兵の場合は25カ月とする研究成果があることから、戦力の低下を懸念する声も出ている。【関連記事】 米オレゴン州のバス事故、死者9人中5人が韓国籍 「強い日本取り戻そう」安倍首相、対中防衛戦略に着手 米議会「中国のゆがんだ歴史観が韓半島統一の妨げに」 日本のトラックは韓国で走行可能、その逆はなぜ不可? ジュンス年越し公演、チケット完売の理由を証明
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■精神のロードノヴェル 幼児誘拐を主題にした『八日目の蝉(せみ)』(中央公論文芸賞)、中華料理屋の三代記『ツリーハウス』(伊藤整文学賞)、怪異譚(たん)集『かなたの子』(泉鏡花文学賞)、女性銀行員の逃亡譚『紙の月』(柴田錬三郎賞)と角田光代は抜群のストーリーテラーぶりを見せているが、もちろん角田光代の出自は純文学である。 『紙の月』がいい例だが、どこまで逃げ果(おお)せるかという興味をもたせつつも、焦点は生の不安にあり、具体的な生活の挿話を丹念に積み上げ、狂おしいまでの焦燥感を喚起させて、何とも深く豊かな物語空間を作り上げた。最新作『空(そら)の拳(こぶし)』もエンターテインメントとも純文学ともいえない独自の視点が貫かれていて、不思議な読後感を残す。 物語は大手出版社に就職した青年がいきなりボクシング雑誌の編集部に配属になる場面から始まる。ボクシングなどに全く興味がなく、むしろ馬鹿にしていた青年が次第にのめりこみ、選手たちの試合に夢中になっていく。いわば青年がボクシングを通して成長するさまを描いた小説となるけれど、メインは同じジムの選手たちの試合にある。 ふつうなら、ジムの経営やマッチメイクの不透明さを際立たせ、なおかつ友情や恋愛の脇筋を盛り込んで、大試合を終盤にもってきてカタルシスを与える物語にするのに、作者はそれを選択しない。波瀾(はらん)に富む物語ではなく、拳闘の肉体性と精神性を捉えた細部で読ませる。エンターテインメントの手法を駆使せず、作者の出自である純文学的な方法で拳闘の無垢(むく)の美しさを追求しているのである。 すなわち「不思議なものだ。ボクシングというスポーツは、その人の、自分でも気づかないような特性を際立たせる」「強いやつが勝つんじゃないんです、勝ったやつが強いんです」「強さ弱さとは、試合内容とは、勝ち負けとはまったく関係ないところで評価される」といった思索がめぐらされ、青年の内面を鍛えていく。いわばジムでの経験と試合観戦が魂の成長を促す。さしずめ精神のロードノヴェルだ。きわめて清新で独創的な小説といえるだろう。(日本経済新聞出版社・1680円) 評・池上冬樹(文芸評論家)
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自民党各派閥は27日、国会召集を受けて例会を一斉に行った。衆院選大勝により各派とも新人議員の加入が相次ぎ、安倍晋三首相の出身派閥の町村派(清和政策研究会)は80人と選挙前の44人からほぼ倍増した。活気づく派閥に「脱派閥」を掲げる石破茂幹事長は神経をとがらせるが、その石破氏も勢力拡大には余念がない。 「80人を超えようかと聞き、もうこれ以上喜ばしいことはない」 町村派会長の町村信孝元官房長官は27日、22人の新加入者らを前に、満面の笑みを浮かべながらあいさつした。町村氏は体調を崩して病院で療養していたが、例会に合わせて同日退院したばかりだった。 額賀派(平成研究会)は51人に増加。会長の額賀福志郎元財務相は「われわれがリードするような形でよい方向に持っていきたい」と述べ、影響力拡大に気合を入れた。 平成21年に野党転落後、各派閥は所属議員や集金が大幅に減少、事務所の縮小を迫られ、存亡の危機にひんしていた。党側からは、「古い自民党」の象徴として「資金とポスト配分の機能の要素を取り去るべきだ」(石破氏)とやり玉に挙げられた。 しかし、新人議員を迎えた各派は「政治の世界のルールや礼儀を教えてくれるところだ」(伊吹派会長を退任した伊吹文明衆院議長)として、「新人教育」の役割を前面に出す。 一方の石破氏は、新人議員119人全員に対し、年末年始の行動計画書を提出するよう指示した。「計画通りに本人が活動したか、年明けに党職員が訪問先に確かめる」と息巻き、「新人教育」を党主導で行おうと必死だ。 もっとも、石破氏には自らを支持する議員による「さわらび会」がある。26日夜には都内で新人議員20人を含む50人を集めて会合を開き、「ここにいる人は必ず当選させる」と宣言。それを聞きつけた党重鎮は「派閥活動とどこが違うんだ」と石破氏を批判した。    ◇ おことわり 自民党伊吹派が会長代行の二階俊博元経済産業相を新会長に決定しましたので、今後は呼称を「二階派」とします。
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アジア 8-8 欧州

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ベ・サンムン ×1UP○ N・コルサーツ
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Y・E・ヤン ○2&1× F・モリナリ

<ゴルフ情報ALBA.Net>【関連記事】 遼、藤本組は後半流れつかみモリナリ兄弟を撃破! ザ・ロイヤルトロフィ初日は欧州に完敗 パナソニックが石川遼との所属契約終了を正式発表 池田勇太がヴィクトリアで販売員!アイアンセット売り上げる 2012年度各ツアー最終賞金ランキング
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[ワシントン 17日 ロイター] 米コネティカット州の小学校で14日発生した銃乱射事件の後、米国民の間では、銃規制強化を支持する人の割合が急速に高まっていることがロイターとイプソスの共同調査で明らかになった。




その結果、「銃所有には厳格な規制や制限が設けられるべき」との意見は、同事件前には42%だったが、事件後には50%に跳ね上がった。また「銃の販売前に購入者の身元調査を義務付ける法律」への支持率は、事件前の77%から84%に7ポイント上昇。「自動小銃の販売を規制する法律」への支持は54%から60%に拡大している。【関連記事】 【ビデオ】銃規制を求め米ワシントンでデモ、世論は二分(字幕・18日) コネティカット州の小学校乱射事件、ハリウッドは沈黙保つ タランティーノ監督最新作のプレミア中止、米小学校乱射事件で 焦点:米乱射事件が迫る銃規制強化、「逃げ腰」大統領も対応不可避 米NY市長、議員らに銃規制強化を強く求める
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NASAの探査機カッシーニが、土星の衛星「テティス」の表面を赤外線写真で撮影したところ、パックマンのような形が現れたという。 先日、土星の北極にある「嵐の目」の詳細な画像を撮影したばかりの惑星探査機カッシーニ。その赤外線の目が、土星の衛星のひとつ「テティス」の上に、1980年代の有名なヴィデオゲームの主人公、パックマンの姿を撮影していた。NASAが発表しているように、土星のもうひとつの衛星、「ミマス」で2010年2月13日にすでに起きたことだ。しかし今回はさらに大きく、何よりも可視光線のスペクトルでも感知できる。 衛星の温度に関連する赤外線分光器のデータを一度再構成してヴィジュアル化したところ、興味深い映像が姿を見せた。11年9月14日のことである。今回、惑星科学専門誌『Icarus』で発表された。 この日、パックマンの口の内側に対応する惑星の地域における日中の温度は、周りよりも15ケルヴィン(絶対零度を0ケルヴィンとする熱力学温度の単位)冷たかった。記録された最も高い温度は90ケルヴィン(摂氏-183.15度)の寒さで、ミマスで記録された最も熱い温度、95ケルヴィン(摂氏-175.3度)よりもわずかに冷たかった。 研究者たちによると、この現象は衛星の、土星の周りを回る際に土星に面している側の低緯度地域(画像でより青く見える場所)に、高エネルギーの電子が浴びせられることによって引き起こされる。この電子の爆撃が、衛星の柔らかい表面を硬い氷の層に変化させるので、太陽の光を受けても温度が上がるのがゆっくりになる。< 前のページ12次のページ >
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as expected

House sets vote for Sandy aid after criticism
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    WASHINGTON (AP) — The House is headed for a vote on aid for Superstorm Sandy victims after House Speaker John Boehner mollified Republicans from New York and New Jersey upset with his decision to cancel action on the bill.

    Facing intense pressure, Boehner agreed Wednesday to schedule a vote Friday on $9 billion for the national flood insurance program and another vote Jan. 15 for a remaining $51 billion in the package, said Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y. The new Congress is being sworn in Thursday.

    King left a meeting with Boehner and other Republicans without the anger that had led him to rip into the speaker on the House floor, calling Boehner's attitude "dismissive" and "cavalier."

    "It was a very positive meeting," King said afterward.

    King told NBC's "Today" on Thursday that Boehner had ultimately come through for New York and New Jersey and said he expected Boehner to be reelected as speaker. King said he would vote for Boehner.

    Boehner, R-Ohio, assured the lawmakers that the money from the two House votes would roughly equal the $60 billion package of aid that passed the Senate, King said.

    Since the votes will be taken in the new Congress, the Senate also will have to approve the legislation. If the House, as expected, approves the $9 billion flood insurance proposal, the Senate plans to move quickly in hopes of approving the aid on a voice vote Friday. The flood insurance money will help pay for claims by home and business owners with coverage.

    Sandy was the most costly natural disaster since Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and one of the worst storms ever in the Northeast.

    Boehner's decision Tuesday night to cancel a vote on Sandy aid before Congress ended its current session provoked a firestorm of criticism from New York, New Jersey and adjacent states where the money will go.

    According to King, Boehner explained that after the contentious vote to avoid major tax increases and spending cuts called the "fiscal cliff," the House speaker didn't think it was the right time to schedule the vote before the current Congress ended.

    "What's done is done," King said. "The end result will be New York, New Jersey and Connecticut will receive the funding they deserve."

    The Senate approved a $60.4 billion measure last Friday to help with recovery from the October storm. The House Appropriations Committee has drafted a smaller, $27 billion measure for immediate recovery needs and a second amendment for $33 billion to meet longer-term needs.

    The $9 billion in flood insurance money to be voted on Friday was originally in the $27 billion measure. The votes on Jan. 15 will be for $18 billion in immediate assistance and $33 billion for longer-term projects, including projects to protect against future storms, King said.

    Much of the money in the proposals is for immediate help for victims and other recovery and rebuilding efforts.

    Some $5.4 million is for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's disaster relief fund; $5.4 billion is to help transit agencies in New York and New Jersey rebuild; and $3.9 billion is for the Housing and Urban Development Department's development fund to repair hospitals, utilities and small businesses.

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican, was among those sharply criticizing Boehner before the speaker changed course, complaining about the "toxic internal politics" of the House majority.

    King was part of an angry chorus of New York and New Jersey lawmakers from both parties who blasted Boehner, with some saying his move was a betrayal. He told Fox News on Wednesday: "These Republicans have no problem finding New York when they're out raising millions of dollars. ... I'm saying, right now, anyone from New York or New Jersey who contributes one penny to congressional Republicans is out of their minds," he said.

    In considering the Sandy aid package, the speaker was caught between conservative lawmakers who want to offset any increase in spending and Northeast and mid-Atlantic lawmakers determined to help their states.

    More than $2 billion in federal money has been spent so far on relief efforts for 11 states and the District of Columbia struck by the storm. The Federal Emergency Management Agency's disaster relief fund still has about $4.3 billion, enough to pay for recovery efforts into early spring, according to officials.

    New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, New Hampshire, Delaware, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and the District of Columbia are receiving FEMA aid.

    Sandy was blamed for at least 120 deaths and battered coastline areas from North Carolina to Maine. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut were the hardest hit states and suffered high winds, flooding and storm surges.


    Associated Press writer Donna Cassata contributed to this report.

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    LONDON (Reuters) - The Western world's first drug to fix faulty genes promises to transform the lives of patients with an ultra-rare disease that clogs their blood with fat. The only snag is the price.

    The gene therapy for lipoprotein lipase deficiency (LPLD), a hereditary disorder that raises the risk of potentially lethal inflammation of the pancreas, is likely to cost more than $1 million per patient when it goes on sale in Europe this summer.

    Rare or so-called orphan diseases are winning unprecedented attention from drug developers. More than a quarter of the 39 new medicines approved in the United States last year were designated for such conditions.

    These are therefore exciting times for campaigners such as Briton Jill Prawer, who leads an LPLD support group, and others championing the needs of people with equally obscure illnesses.

    Naturally, she is delighted by the arrival of the LPLD drug Glybera. "It's brilliant," said Prawer, a 50-year-old mother of three who has suffered all her life from LPLD.

    Until now, governments and insurance companies have largely accepted prices that can run into hundreds of thousands of dollars for products that treat orphan diseases. As only a handful of patients need the treatment, the overall cost to health budgets is relatively small.

    However, healthcare providers are increasingly having to balance the acute needs of the few against the wider interests of society, within constrained budgets. Scrutiny of the sky-high prices charged for this wave of new drugs is growing.

    "More companies are getting into this sector because they've seen the eye-wateringly high prices that can be charged for some of these very rare disease medicines," said Karl Claxton, professor of health economics at the University of York.

    "It's unsustainable. Healthcare systems around the world are under increasing financial pressure and all of them are starting to look very carefully at what they get for their money."


    As more treatments become available and scientists learn more about what causes the 6,000-7,000 diseases that affect less than 1 percent of the population, there are signs the payers may be pushing back - especially in austerity-hit Europe.

    As from this week, a new drug called Kalydeco is being made available on the state health service to about 270 patients in England with a rare form of the lung disease cystic fibrosis.

    It was cleared, however, only after Vertex Pharmaceuticals cut the official list price of 182,625 pounds ($297,000) a year. The size of the discount is confidential.

    In the Netherlands a row erupted last year over whether the healthcare insurance board, CVZ, should continue funding expensive enzyme replacement therapies for people living with Fabry and Pompe diseases.

    In the end CVZ agreed to keep paying but the case highlighted the difficulties of assessing the value of medicines for rare conditions, given the limited evidence that can be collected from clinical trials involving very few patients.

    In the case of gene therapy, extreme pricing may be unavoidable, since a single dose could last a lifetime, giving any drug manufacturer just one shot at recouping its investment.

    Glybera, developed by private Dutch firm uniQure, is the first gene therapy to win approval in the West, although China cleared one for head and neck cancer in 2003.

    Several companies are working on other gene therapies, including Sanofi's Genzyme unit, GlaxoSmithKline, Shire and small biotechs like Bluebird Bio.

    On both sides of the Atlantic, drugs for orphan diseases have changed ideas about what makes a profitable pharmaceutical.

    Traditionally, drugmakers have relied on mass-market pills to fight problems such as high cholesterol. But expiries of patents, allowing competitors to make cheap copies, have undermined their profits in this area. By contrast, rare diseases offer premium prices and far lower competition.

    The U.S. biotech company Alexion Pharmaceuticals shows how well the orphan drug model can work. Despite treating only a few thousand patients worldwide, sales of its rare blood disease drug Soliris are forecast by analysts to reach $1.5 billion this year and $2.6 billion by 2017 - thanks to a U.S. list price of $440,000 per patient a year.

    Soliris is not alone. The past decade has been the most productive in the history of orphan drug development, helped by the U.S. Orphan Drug Act in 1983 and similar later laws in Europe, Japan, Australia and Singapore that provide additional market exclusivity for medicines targeting small populations.

    While this policy has stimulated innovation, some investors are also nervous about future pricing.

    "The issue of the sustainability of orphan drug pricing is really front and center for investors at the moment," said David Pinniger, investment manager of the International Biotechnology Trust, whose holdings include shares in orphan drug companies such as Alexion and Biomarin Pharmaceutical.

    "The question is will the orphan drug strategy become a victim of its own success? With austerity and pricing pressure, this area is going to come under increasing scrutiny."

    A Thomson Reuters analysis put the global orphan drug market at more than $50 billion at the end of 2011, with spending accounting for about 6 percent of total drug sales.

    A number of these drugs started out as treatments for rare cancers but have since become multibillion-dollar sellers as their use has expanded.

    The orphan drug market is expanding faster than traditional pharmaceuticals with annual growth averaging 25.8 percent from 2001 to 2010 compared with 20.1 percent for non-orphan drugs.

    Moreover, orphan drugs' average "present value" - which measures the current worth of future revenues - is higher than for non-orphan drugs, despite their tiny target populations. This reflects lower development and marketing costs, as well as longer market exclusivity.

    Unsurprisingly, big pharmaceutical firms are showing growing interest in rare diseases, reflected in Sanofi's $20.1 billion purchase of Genzyme in 2011 and decisions by companies including Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline to enter the market.

    That promises more competition in some established areas, with Pfizer, for example, launching its new Gaucher disease drug Elelyso at a 25 percent discount to Genzyme's Cerezyme.

    Large drugmakers are also likely to be under more pressure to curb excessive prices than small biotechs - a fact recognized by GSK, which has said it would like to see more responsible orphan drug pricing.


    Tim Cox, professor of medicine at the University of Cambridge and the first UK doctor to give Gaucher patients enzyme replacement therapy, welcomes industry investment but believes pricing at present is "completely arbitrary".

    "I believe we can have a system to approve drugs for a reasonable time at a reasonable cost that can be reviewed after a period, so that the amount of health benefit gained can be used as an arbiter of the final cost," he said.

    That view is echoed by Yann Le Cam, head of the EU-wide orphan disease patients' group Eurordis, who wants to see more flexible licensing that would allow a new drug to come to market earlier with limited distribution while more data is collected.

    "At the end of the day, it will be cheaper," he said, since each clinical trial would need fewer patients and could be concluded faster.

    This concept also appeals to Joern Aldag, the CEO of uniQure, whose predecessor company Amsterdam Molecular Therapeutics (AMT) was torpedoed by initial rebuffs from EU regulators who wanted bigger trials before approving Glybera.

    AMT was taken private by newly created uniQure last April because it could no longer fund itself in the public markets.

    "We are breaking new ground in science and reimbursement - but we also have to also break new ground in how the regulations are set up," Aldag said. ($1 = 0.6141 British pounds)

    (editing by David Stamp)